

This section contains references to literature and cases on policy evaluation. We do not intend to provide a complete listing, but to offer a useful selection.

Do you know yourself relevant references or examples? Please let us know!
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Manuals and textbooks >
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Cases >
< Evaluation standards >
< Glossaria >

 Manuals and text books on evaluation

  • De Peuter B., De Smedt J. en Bouckaert G. (2007). Handleiding beleidsevaluatie.
    Deel 1: Evaluatiedesign en -management
    . Leuven: Steunpunt Bestuurlijke Organisatie Vlaanderen. (More...)
  • De Peuter B., De Smedt J., Van Dooren W. en Bouckaert G. (2007). Handleiding beleidsevaluatie.
    Deel 2: Monitoring
    van beleid. Leuven: Steunpunt Bestuurlijke Organisatie Vlaanderen. (More...)
  • De Peuter B., De Smedt J. en Bouckaert G. (2007). Handleiding beleidsevaluatie.
    Deel 3: Evaluatietechnieken
    . Leuven: Steunpunt Bestuurlijke Organisatie Vlaanderen. (More...)
  • De Peuter B., De Smedt J. en Bouckaert G. (2007). Handleiding beleidsevaluatie.
    Deel 4: Praktijkvoorbeelden
    . Leuven: Steunpunt Bestuurlijke Organisatie Vlaanderen. (More...)
  • Crabbé A. , Gysen J. en Leroy P. (2006). Vademecum milieubeleidsevaluatie. Brugge: Vanden Broele. (More...)
  • Algemene Rekenkamer (2005). Handleiding onderzoek naar doelmatigheid en doeltreffendheid. Rotterdam. (More...) (pdf)
  • Swanborn P. G. (2004). Evalueren. Het ontwerpen, begeleiden en evalueren van interventies: een methodische basis voor evaluatie-onderzoek. Amsterdam: Boom. (More...)
  • Bressers, J.Th.A., Hoogerwerf, A. (eds.) (1991). Beleidsevaluatie, Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom H.D. Tjeenk Willink. (ISBN 9060928652).

  • Chelimsky E. and Shadish W.R. (eds.) (1997). Evaluation for the 21st Century – A Handbook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (More...)
  • Chen H.-T. (2005). Practical Program Evaluation, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (More...)
  • Europese Commissie (2007). The Guide - Evaluation of socio-economic development. (online resource) (More...)
  • Europese Commissie (1999). The Means Collection – Evaluating socio-economic programmes. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. (More...)
  • Europese Rekenkamer (2007).Performance Audit Manual (More...)
  • Fetterman D.M. Wandersman A. and Millet R.A. (2005). Empowerment Evaluation Principles in Practice. New York: Guilford. (More...)
  • Mathison S. (ed.) (2005). Encyclopaedia of Evaluation, Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage. (More...)
  • McDavid J.C. & Hawthorn L.R.L. (2005). Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement, an Introduction to Practice, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (More...)
  • Patton M.Q. (1997). Utilization-focused Evaluation – The New Century Text. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (More...)
  • Rossi P.H., Lipsey M.W. and Freeman H.E. (2004). Evaluation – A Systematic Approach. 7th edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (More...)
  • Scriven M. (1991). Evaluation Thesaurus. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (More...)
  • Wholey J.S., Hatry H.P. and Newcomer K.E. (eds.) (2004). Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. (More...)


  • Evaluation Journal of Australasia (More...)
  • Evaluation. The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice (More...)
  • American Journal of Evaluation (tijdschrift van de American Evaluation Association AEA) (More...)
  • Canadian journal of program evaluation ( tijdschrift van de Canadian Evaluation Society CES) (More...)
  • Evaluation Review: a Journal of Applied Social Research (More...)
  • New Directions for Evaluation (More...)
  • Research Evaluation (More...)


  • Cost effectiveness:
    Rousseau S. & Proost S. (2002), The Cost Effectiveness of Environmental Policy Instruments in the Presence of Imperfect Compliance, ETE-working paper series, juni 2002. (More...) (pdf)
  • Cost - benefit analysis::
    Nijland H ; Van Kempen E.E.M.M., Jabben J.; Annema J.A. (2001), Geluidsmaatregelen: kosten en baten. Bilthoven: RIVM (More...)
  • Effectiveness and side effects:
    Gysen Joos, Bachus Kris, Bruyninckx Hans en Van Ootegem Luc (2006), Geen vuiltje aan de bodem? Een evaluatie van effectiviteit en de neveneffecten van het Bodemsaneringsdecreet, Steunpunt Milieubeleidswetenschappen (More...)
  • Ex ante evaluation:
    Ex ante evaluatie van het Programma voor Plattelandsontwikkeling - PDPO (2007-2013) (More...)

    soon more

 Evaluation standards

What does quality of evaluation mean? Based on theoretical reflections and practical experience a number of evaluation networks as well as the European Commission have defined a list of evaluation standards. These are criteria for meta-evaluation; to assess the quality of an evaluation (process and report). Evaluation standards are a guide and a frame of reference to everyone involved in policy evaluation, either as commissioner, evaluator or stakeholder in general.

  • Europese Commissie (More...) (pdf)
  • Duitsland - DeGEval (More...)
  • Frankrijk - SFE (More...) (pdf)
  • Verenigd Koninkrijk - UKES (More...) (pdf)
  • Verenigde Staten - AEA (More...)
  • Zwitserland - SEVAL (More...) (pdf)


  • Online glossary on policy evaluation

    The VEP promotes consensus on the vocabulary of policy evaluation. Many concepts from administrative science, social research, audit and economics are used in the context of evaluation.
    The link below leads to an online glossary in Dutch. This list is 'under construction', i.e. it will constantly be refined and elaborated. The aim is to include generally accepted definitions in the list and to apply them as much as possible to a public sector context.
    Some terms refer to complex phenomena or techniques; in some cases further reading will be necessary in order to fully understand them. The terms have to be placed in their context. For evaluation research, some concepts may have a more subtle or specific meaning compared to common parlance (e.g. result, significant, reliable). In the online glossary, such bottllenecks are indicated.

    < online glossary >

  • Other examples of glossaries

    A number of international and domestic organisations have defined an own glossary, sometimes confined to a specific policy field or theme. Below you find some examples.

    • Europese Commissie (More...)
    • United Nations World Food Programme (More...) (pdf)
    • OESO – Development Assistance Committee (DAC) (More...) (pdf)
    • Instituut voor Ontwikkelingsbeleid en -Beheer, UA (More...) (pdf)
  Copyright © VVBB| Feedback on the content: Bart De Peuter & Anneke Heylen
Publication: VVBB| Last update: 28-03-2008
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